Saturday 25 July 2015

My Travel Essentials

Hello Lovelies, 
Since I am heading up the country for a few nights and of course doing some late night last minute packing I thought it would be a great idea to show you guys what I am bringing with me in my carry on. These are things which are essential whether you are on a bus journey like I will be for 3 hours or on a long haul flight. We all need some things to keep us occupied and pass away the time as quickly as possible. 

Passport // no matter where you're going in the world you're going to need some sort of ID. Isn't my passport case the cutest? 

A Good Read // One of my favourite things about going on holidays is buying some good reads for that holiday. I love picking up a new book as it passes the time away very quickly. I am re-reading "To Kill A Mocking Bird" so I can re-fresh my memory and begin to read the new sequel.

To Kill A Mocking Bird €9.99 // Here

Nourishment // When traveling it is very known that our skin suffers the most, I normally tend to either wear no makeup or just natural makeup depending on the time of the journey. But no matter what, I will always have my 'The Body Shop Lip Balm in Strawberry'. I have raved about these lip balms over and over again, they really nourish the lips while giving a nice tint at the same time.

Born Lippy Pot Lip Balm - Strawberry // Here

Perfume // Whether you are sitting on a plane or a bus or even a train for a long length of time, there is no denying that we feel quite compact and there might even be some perspiration in the air (which is never pleasant). There is no better feeling than being able to spritz some perfume when you arrive at your destination. It just gives us that re-freshed feeling that we all crave after a long journey. 

Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb Eau de Parfum €65.00 // Here

Sunglasses // I have really been getting into wearing sunglasses at the moment. I think it's because of the warm weather we've been getting here in Ireland. Primark/Penneys are doing the most amazing sunglasses at the moment! These ones only cost €2. Such a bargain!

Primark Metal Arm Sunglasses €2// Here

Chewing Gum // I always like to have chewing gum in my handbag at all times. I am that girl who has way too many packets in her hand bag. These are very good when you're on the plane to stop your ears from popping, hard sweets are also key when flying.

Security // I just got this as a present from my little cousin all the way from Belgium, So unfortunately I have no idea where she purchased it. It is meant to be a place to store and protect your phone but I think its perfect to store the little things that always seem to get lost at the end of my bag such as my lipgloss and my little 'Travelo Perfume Bottle' .It is also a great place to store any of my travel cards. 

Earphones // Another key essential when traveling. There's just something about being able to put your earphones in and listen to your favourite music. The Apple earphones are definitely one of the best out there.

Apple Earpods with Remote and Mic €29.00 // Here

Camera & Phone // Of course being a blogger I must bring my camera with me. My IPhone 6 is a serious essential. Most of the photos I do take are on my phone and I always have to listen to music when traveling. I am constantly checking my Instagram and Snapchat to see what all my fellow bloggers are doing.

Snacks // I have been loving Quest Bars lately. These are protein bars which are also great when travelling to keep you away from buying a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar.
I also always have some fruit with me, I am obsessed with snacking on fruit.

Quest Bars €2.50// Here

Selfie Stick // I mean, who can go on holidays now and not bring a selfie stick. I am well too excited to bring this with me and take some photos. I'll try not to be too promises though.

Black Selfie Stick €7.50// Here

Hope Ye Enjoyed This Post,
Love Chels x

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